Pay Attention To SignsJulie Ackerman LinkThe
road was smooth and we were making good progress as we headed for Jay’s
dad’s house in South Carolina. As
we drove through the mountains in Tennessee, I began seeing detour
signs. But
Jay kept going, so I assumed that they didn’t apply to us. Shortly
before we reached the North Carolina border, we came to a sign that
said the highway ahead was closed due to a rock slide. We
would have to turn around. Jay was surprised. “Why
wasn’t there any warning?” he wanted to know. “There were lots of
warnings,” I said. “Didn’t
you see the signs?” “No,” he said, “why didn’t you mention them?” “I
assumed that you saw them,” I answered. We now tell this story to entertain our friends.
Read: Luke 11:29-45 |
Luke 11 -Audio-)
The Lord, who delivered me from the paw of the lion . . . , He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine. — 1 Samuel 17:37 |
in a Year: 1 Samuel 17-18; Luke 11:1-28 |
"Reflexions from Our Daily Bread"
Posted by: Ben Ayala : benayalal@gmail.com
Thanks to the Sources at: rbc[dot]org -and- odb[dot]org |
Respuesta: Muchas veces a lo largo de nuestras vidas, cuando estamos mas cerca de la bendición que Dios tiene para nosotros, somos victimas del desanimo y olvidamos que Dios prometió no desampararnos nunca. A propósito, las únicas personas que se desaniman son aquellas que luchan por algo grande. El desanimo rara vez toca al corazón de la gente sin visión y sin metas, siendo el arma del enemigo para aquellos que saben lo que quieren. “Mira que te mando que te esfuerces y seas valiente; no temas ni desmayes. Porque Jehová tu Dios estará contigo en dondequiera que vayas” Josué 1:7 Dios ha prometido estar contigo todos los dias de tu vida. En el libro de Josue, cuando el pueblo de Israel se preparaba para la conquista de Canaan, y entrar en la tierra prometida, Dios le promete a Josuè que nunca lo desamparará y requiere de él de dos virtudes indispensables, el esfuerzo y la valentía. Dios no ha cambiado hoy y requiere que sus hijos nos mantengamos en pie ...
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