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"What does the Bible, saids about the divorce and remarriage?"

Answer: First, no matter the point of view to take in case of divorce, it is important to remember the words of the Bible in Malachi 2:16: "I hate divorce, says the Lord God of Israel." According to the Bible, God's plan is that marriage is a commitment to life (eternal). "So they are no longer two but one. What therefore God has joined together let no man put asunder "(Matthew 19:6). But God understands that divorce will happen, because a marriage involves two sinful human beings. 

In the Old Testament God established some laws to protect the rights of divorcees, especially women (Deuteronomy 24:1-4). Jesus said that those laws were given because of the hardness of the hearts of the people, not because they were God's will (Matthew 19:8). The controversy over whether divorce and remarriage are allowed according to the Bible revolves primarily around Jesus' words in Matthew 5:32 and 19:9. The phrase "except for marital unfaithfulness" is the only thing in Scripture that possibly gives God's permission for divorce. Many interpreters understand this "exception clause" as referring to "marital unfaithfulness" during the "betrothal." In Jewish custom, a man and a woman were considered married even while they were still engaged, ie "promised".Immorality during this "betrothal" should then be the only valid reason for divorce.

However, the Greek word translated "marital unfaithfulness" is a word that can mean any form of sexual immorality. This can mean fornication, prostitution, adultery. Perhaps Jesus is saying that divorce is permissible, if committed sexual immorality. Sex as such are an integral part of the marital "and they become one flesh" (Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:5, Ephesians 5:31). Therefore, a breaking of that bond through sex outside of marriage might be a legitimate reason for divorce.

If so, Jesus has in mind the second marriage in this passage. The phrase "and marries another" (Matthew 19:9) indicates that divorce and remarriage are allowed in an instance of the exception clause, whatever it is interpreted. It is important to note that only the innocent party is allowed to remarry. Although this is not indicated in the text, the allowance for remarriage after divorce is God's mercy for him against the sin was committed, not for having committed sexual immorality. There may be instances where the "guilty party" is allowed to remarry - but that concept is not taught in this text.

Some understand 1 Corinthians 7:15 as another "exception" allowing remarriage if an unbelieving spouse divorces a believer. However, the context does not mention remarriage, but only says that a believer is not bound to continue a marriage if an unbelieving spouse wants to leave. Others claim that the spouse or child abuse are valid reasons for divorce, but are not listed as such in the Bible. Although this may very well be the case, it is never wise to presume upon the Word of God.

Sometimes lost in the discussion of the exception clause is the fact that whatever it means "marital infidelity", it is an allowance for divorce, not a requirement for it. Even when adultery is committed, a couple can, through the grace of God, learn to forgive and begin rebuilding their marriage. God has forgiven more. Surely we can follow His example and even forgive the sin of adultery (Ephesians 4:32). However, in many instances, a spouse is unrepentant and continues in sexual immorality. Perhaps that is where Matthew 19:9 can be applied. Many also have very quick remarriage after a divorce when God might desire to remain single. God sometimes calls a person to remain single, so your attention is not divided (1 Corinthians 7:32-35). Remarriage after a divorce can be an option in some circumstances, but that does not mean that this is the only option.

It is distressing that the divorce rate among professing Christians is nearly as high as that of the unbelieving world. The Bible makes it clear that God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16) and that reconciliation and forgiveness should be the marks of a believer's life (Luke 11:4, Ephesians 4:32). However, God recognizes that divorce is going to give even among His children. A believer divorced or remarried should not feel less loved by God, even if your divorce or remarriage are not covered under the possible exception clause of Matthew 19:9. God often uses even the sinful disobedience of Christians to perform a lot of good things.

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¿Que significa Esfuerzate y se valiente, no temas ni desmayes?

Respuesta: Muchas veces a lo largo de nuestras vidas, cuando estamos mas cerca de la bendición que Dios tiene para nosotros, somos victimas del desanimo y olvidamos que Dios prometió no desampararnos nunca.  A propósito, las únicas personas que se desaniman son aquellas que luchan por algo grande.  El desanimo rara vez toca al corazón de la gente sin visión y sin metas, siendo el arma del enemigo para aquellos que saben lo que quieren. “Mira que te mando que te esfuerces y seas valiente; no temas ni desmayes.  Porque Jehová tu Dios estará contigo en dondequiera que vayas” Josué 1:7 Dios ha prometido estar contigo todos los dias de tu vida. En el libro de Josue, cuando el pueblo de Israel se preparaba para la conquista de Canaan, y entrar en la tierra prometida,  Dios le promete a Josuè que nunca lo desamparará y requiere de él de dos virtudes indispensables, el esfuerzo y la valentía.  Dios no ha cambiado hoy y requiere que sus hijos nos mantengamos en pie de lucha frente a las ad


OBJETIVO: Que usted sepa cuáles son, LOS BENEFICIOS DE UNA UNCION APOSTOLICA. TEXTO SALMOS 89:1-4 Las misericordias de Jehová cantaré perpetuamente; De generación en generación haré notoria tu fidelidad con mi boca. Porque dije: Para siempre será edificada misericordia; En los cielos mismos afirmarás tu verdad. Hice pacto con mi escogido; Juré a David mi siervo, diciendo: Para siempre confirmaré tu descendencia, Y edificaré tu trono por todas las generaciones. Selah SALMOS 89:20-28 Hallé a David mi siervo; Lo ungí con mi santa unción. Mi mano estará siempre con él, Mi brazo también lo fortalecerá. No lo sorprenderá el enemigo, Ni hijo de iniquidad lo quebrantará; Sino que quebrantaré delante de él a sus enemigos, Y heriré a los que le aborrecen.  Mi verdad y mi misericordia estarán con él, Y en mi nombre será exaltado su poder. Asimismo pondré su mano sobre el mar, Y sobre los ríos su diestra. Él me clamará: Mi padre eres tú, Mi Dios, y la roca de mi salvación.  Yo también le p

¿Que dice La Bíblia de Los Malos Hábitos?

¿Cual es un mal habito en tu vida que te gustaría abandonar? -  Malos hábitos en el espíritu : envidia, celos, malicia, murmurar, mentir, criticar, etc. -  Malos hábitos en nuestros actos:  comer, beber, gastar, trabajar en exceso, etc. -  Otros? Que dice la Biblia sobre este tema. Frase de transición: “Veamos como la Biblia nos orienta para poder vencer nuestros malos hábitos” ¿Porque debemos cambiar algunos de nuestros hábitos? En Romanos 6.4 dice: Pues por el bautismo fuimos sepultados con Cristo, y morimos para ser resucitados y vivir una vida nueva, así como Cristo fue resucitado por el glorioso poder del Padre. La Biblia dice que somos llamados a una nueva vida en Cristo y esto incluye dejar los hábitos que no le agradan a Dios. Salmos 139: 1-23 dice: Señor, tú me has examinado y me conoces; tú conoces todas mis acciones; aun de lejos, te das cuenta de lo que pienso. Sabes todas mis andanzas, ¡sabes todo lo que hago! Aún no tengo la palabra en la lengua, y tú, Señor, ya la