Acts 2:37. When the gathering heard this, deeply grieved and said to Peter and other apostles, 'Brothers, what shall we do?
Acts 16:30-34. then brought them out and asked, 'Sirs, what must I do to be saved? They answered: 'Believe on the Lord Jesus and be saved you and your family. And the message of the Lord spoke to him and all his household. At that hour of the night the jailer washed their wounds, and then he and all his family were baptized.Then took them home and fed them, and he and his family were very happy for having believed in God.
Luke 3:10, 12, 14. People would ask: - What should we do? Also came to be baptized some of those who collected taxes for Rome, and asked John: 'Master, what shall we do? Also some soldiers asked him, 'And we, what should we do? He replied: 'No ye diminish ought anything to anyone by threats or false accusations. And Conform with your wages.
Analysis: In each of these readings we have done, we noticed the basic question, WHAT SHOULD I DO OR WHAT SHALL WE DO?, and of course the question arises based on the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ.I want to say that the message of the word always has an impact, either negative or positive. Not everyone responds the same way, and I hope you will respond positively to the message today.
1) If the sinner asks, what should I do? the answer is "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ" This is the most important thing a person should do, believe and receive the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. THE BIBLE SAYS WE ARE ALL SINNERS. THE BIBLE SAYS THAT'S WHY WE HAVE BEEN DISMISSED BY THE KINGDOM OF GOD.THE BIBLE SAYS THAT'S WHY CHRIST CAME AND DIED ON THE CROSS. THE BIBLE TEACHES THAT ALL SINNER MUST BELIEVE IN CHRIST. THE BIBLE SAYS THAT THIS IS THE WILL OF GOD.
2) If the Christian who already know Christ as Savior question, and after thinking I should do? The answer is always "be baptized" Baptism is the step of obedience to God. It demonstrates our faith in Christ. This testify publicly about what happened inside me. We please God at baptism because we are ready to serve in the local church. We demonstrate the value we have as Christians. We demonstrate the value we give to the things of God. We show that we agree with the Bible. We show that we agree with the local church.
3) If all we are willing to ask, we should do? The answer would be what then lodges.
A) Improve my relationship with God. I am convinced that our relationship with God is far from satisfactory, you will bear me out in this regard, we are not having a good relationship with God. And for that reason we can not sustain us in other things. A man who kept all was the Apostle Paul, he said, because tonight the Angel of God, whose been with me and whom I serve. Acts 27:23.
He was aware that as a Christian, He knew that he was God. He knew that he served God. He had a good relationship with God since his conversion. The God fulfilled his promises and was responsible at all. He said, I am not ashamed of the gospel. He was sure of his salvation. Let this be a reality in our lives.
B) Improve as a Christian. Improving my relationship with God, get better in my life as a Christian, it is almost automatic when the root of the tree is bad, the whole tree is bad, when the root of the tree is good, the whole tree is good. Acts 11:26. A Christian is not a simple religious, is a person who:
A born again by the grace and mercy of the Lord. He is someone who has placed their trust in Christ. He is a person that God Himself dwells in it. The sold is one body and spirit with God where there are refreshments. Is a body that has been taken as the Temple of the living God. He is a person that God wants to use to bless others. He is a member of the body of Christ which is the church. That's you, that's me, we're not anything, we are important people.
Acts 2:37. When the gathering heard this, deeply grieved and said to Peter and other apostles, 'Brothers, what shall we do?
Acts 16:30-34. then brought them out and asked, 'Sirs, what must I do to be saved? They answered: 'Believe on the Lord Jesus and be saved you and your family. And the message of the Lord spoke to him and all his household. At that hour of the night the jailer washed their wounds, and then he and all his family were baptized.Then took them home and fed them, and he and his family were very happy for having believed in God.
Luke 3:10, 12, 14. People would ask: - What should we do? Also came to be baptized some of those who collected taxes for Rome, and asked John: 'Master, what shall we do? Also some soldiers asked him, 'And we, what should we do? He replied: 'No ye diminish ought anything to anyone by threats or false accusations. And Conform with your wages.
Analysis: In each of these readings we have done, we noticed the basic question, WHAT SHOULD I DO OR WHAT SHALL WE DO?, and of course the question arises based on the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ.I want to say that the message of the word always has an impact, either negative or positive. Not everyone responds the same way, and I hope you will respond positively to the message today.
There are many things we do as people here in this life, you need to take a look at the things we must do.
2) If the Christian who already know Christ as Savior question, and after thinking I should do? The answer is always "be baptized" Baptism is the step of obedience to God. It demonstrates our faith in Christ. This testify publicly about what happened inside me. We please God at baptism because we are ready to serve in the local church. We demonstrate the value we have as Christians. We demonstrate the value we give to the things of God. We show that we agree with the Bible. We show that we agree with the local church.
3) If all we are willing to ask, we should do? The answer would be what then lodges.
He was aware that as a Christian, He knew that he was God. He knew that he served God. He had a good relationship with God since his conversion. The God fulfilled his promises and was responsible at all. He said, I am not ashamed of the gospel. He was sure of his salvation. Let this be a reality in our lives.
B) Improve as a Christian. Improving my relationship with God, get better in my life as a Christian, it is almost automatic when the root of the tree is bad, the whole tree is bad, when the root of the tree is good, the whole tree is good. Acts 11:26. A Christian is not a simple religious, is a person who:
A born again by the grace and mercy of the Lord. He is someone who has placed their trust in Christ. He is a person that God Himself dwells in it. The sold is one body and spirit with God where there are refreshments. Is a body that has been taken as the Temple of the living God. He is a person that God wants to use to bless others. He is a member of the body of Christ which is the church. That's you, that's me, we're not anything, we are important people.
C) To improve our service to God through His local church involvement in the church is necessary, as Christians we must surrender to the will of God, and God's will is to serve Him, the believer's spirit is willing but the flesh is weak and not always willing, every day we have a challenge, we must be willing to overcome the offerings of the world and serve the Lord. Galatians 5:17 ... Hebrews 4:15.
If you do not know Christ strive to do what they do, if athletes and footballers give everything they have, their strengths, to win ... Why? ....... Christians do not we push ourselves, the Lord said to Paul, My power is made perfect in weakness.
D) Accept what the Lord says to us today through His word. 2 Corinthians 6:2. No time to lose, we tell the Lord:
Here I am Lord. Like Isaiah, Samuel, Paul. I'm on your order sir, I want to use. Here I am, I am a glass ready to be filled. I'm ready to do your will. Here is a man, here is a woman ready for you. Here is a Christian who wants to pay the price.
If you do not know Christ strive to do what they do, if athletes and footballers give everything they have, their strengths, to win ... Why? ....... Christians do not we push ourselves, the Lord said to Paul, My power is made perfect in weakness.
D) Accept what the Lord says to us today through His word. 2 Corinthians 6:2. No time to lose, we tell the Lord:
Here I am Lord. Like Isaiah, Samuel, Paul. I'm on your order sir, I want to use. Here I am, I am a glass ready to be filled. I'm ready to do your will. Here is a man, here is a woman ready for you. Here is a Christian who wants to pay the price.
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