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"Book of Exodus" Bible Study

" The Book of Exodus "

Author: Moses was the author of the Book of Exodus (Exodus 17:14, 24:4-7, 34:27).

Date: The Book of Exodus was written between 1440 and 1400 BC

Purpose of Writing: The word "exodus" means output. In God's time, the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, marked the end of a period of oppression for the descendants of Abraham (Genesis 15:13), and the beginning of the fulfillment of the covenant of the promise made ​​to Abraham that their descendants not only inhabit the Promised Land, but would multiply and would become a great nation (Genesis 12:1-3, 7). The purpose of the book can be expressed as followed from the rapid growth of the descendants of Jacob in Egypt until the establishment of the theocratic nation in the Promised Land.

Theocratic: Teo which means religion, Cratos which means power. The power of religion, ie priests of any religion, those in power via u n system of government by a religious authority in the name of God.A c ommunity governed by this system.

Key Verses: "Now there arose a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph" (Exodus 1:8)

"And God heard their groaning and he remembered his covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And God looked upon the children of Israel, and God acknowledged them. (Exodus 2:24-25)

"It is the sacrifice of Jehovah's passover, who passed over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt, when he smote the Egyptians, and delivered our houses. And the people bowed down and worshiped. "(Exodus 12:27)"I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. Have no other gods before me. "(Exodus 20:2-3)

Brief Summary: Exodus begins where Genesis is as God deals with His chosen people, the Jews. Exodus continues the events from the time when Israel enters Egypt as guests of Joseph, who was a powerful figure in Egypt, until they were eventually freed from the cruel slavery to which they had been carried off by the "... a new king not know Joseph "(Exodus 1:8)

Chapters 1-14 describe the conditions of oppression of Jews under the rule of Pharaoh, the emergence of Moses as their deliverer, the plagues brought upon Egypt by God because of their leader's refusal to submit to Him, and the output Egypt. The sovereign and mighty hand of God is cherished in the miracles of the plagues - ending the plague of the death of the begotten and the institution of the first Easter - the liberation of the Israelites passing through the Red Sea and the destruction Egyptian army.

The central part of Exodus is devoted to the pilgrimage in the desert and the miraculous provision of God for His people. But though He gave them bread from heaven, bitter sweet water, water from the rock, victory over those who had destroyed, His Law written on tablets of stone by His own hand, and His presence as columns of fire and cloud, people continually murmured and rebelled against Him

The last third of the book, describes the construction of the Ark of the Covenant and the plan for the Tabernacle with its many sacrifices, altars, furniture, ceremonies and modes of worship.

Foreshadowings: The many sacrifices required the Israelites were an illustration of the supreme sacrifice of the Passover Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. On the night of the last plague in Egypt, sacrificed a lamb without blemish and blood was applied on the two doorposts and the lintel of the doors in the houses of the people of God, protecting them from the angel of death. This foreshadowed Jesus, the Lamb of God without blemish and without spot (1 Peter 1:19), whose blood applied to us, we are assured of eternal life. Among the symbolic presentation of Christ in the book of Exodus is the story of the water from the rock in Exodus 17:6. As Moses struck the rock to provide water of life for the people to drink and hit the Rock God for our salvation, Christ crucified for our sin, and the Rock left the gift of living water (John 4:10) . The provision of manna in the desert is a perfect picture of Christ, the Bread of Life (John 6:48), provided by God to give us life.

Practical Application: The Mosaic Law was given in part to show the human being who was unable to save. We are unable to please God by fulfilling the law, therefore Paul exhorts us to "put our faith in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by observing the law, because by the works of the law no one will be justified "(Galatians 2:16).

God's provision for the Israelites, since his release from captivity to the manna and quail in the desert, are clear indications of His gracious provision for His people. God has promised to meet all our needs. "God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord." (1 Corinthians 1:9).
We must trust in the Lord, because He can get rid of everything. But God does not allow sin to go unpunished forever. As a result, we can trust His retribution and justice. When God delivers us from a bad situation, we must try not to return. When God demands something, he expects us to accomplish, but at the same time He gives us grace and mercy because He knows that for ourselves, we will never be able to fully comply.

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¿Que significa Esfuerzate y se valiente, no temas ni desmayes?

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No le des la espalda a Dios, por tu propio bien!

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