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"What is the prayer of salvation?"

Answer: Many people ask, "Is there a reciting prayer I can say, can that give me salvation?"

When considering this question, it is important to remember that salvation isn´t received by reciting a prayer or pronouncing certain words. Nowhere in the Bible records someone receiving salvation through prayer.

Saying a prayer is not the biblical way of salvation. The biblical method of salvation is to believe in Jesus Christ. John 3:16 tells us, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Salvation is obtained by faith (Ephesians 2:8), by receiving Jesus as your Savior (John 1:12), for full trust only in Jesus (John 14:6, Acts 4:12)- not by saying a prayer.

Biblical Message of the salvation is simple and clear and yet amazing.We have all sinned against God (Romans 3:23). No one who has lived a whole life without sinning (Ecclesiastes 7:20).

Because of our sin, we all deserve the judgment of God (Romans 6:23), and judgment is physical death, spiritual death followed . Because of our sin and retribution, there's nothing we can do for ourselves right with God. As a result of His love for us, God took human form in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus lived a perfect life, and always taught the truth.

However, humanity rejected Jesus and crucified him killed. However, through this terrible fact, Jesus died in our place. Jesus bore the burden and judgment of sin upon Himself, and died for us (2 Corinthians 5:21). But after Jesus was resurrected (1 Corinthians chapter 15), certifying that His payment for sin was sufficient, and that He overcame sin and death. As a result of the sacrifice of Jesus, God offers us salvation as a gift. God calls us to change our minds about Jesus (Acts 17:30), and to receive as full payment for our sins (1 John 2:2).

Salvation is obtained by receiving the gift God offers us not by doing a prayer. Now that does not mean you can not include a prayer to receive salvation. If you understand the gospel, believe to be true, and have accepted Jesus as your Savior - is good and appropriate to express this faith in God in a prayer.

Communicate with God through prayer can be a way forward, the acknowledgment of the truth about Jesus as truth, to fully trust in Jesus as Savior. Prayer can be related to the fact by putting your faith in Jesus alone for salvation. Again, however, it is of crucial importance not to base your salvation on having to say a prayer.

Reciting a prayer can not save you! If you want to receive the salvation that is available through Jesus, put your faith in Him fully confident in His death as the sufficient sacrifice for your sins. Depends totally and only Him as your Savior. That is the biblical method of salvation.

If you have received Jesus as your Savior, of course you can offer a prayer to God. Tell God how thankful you are for Jesus. Give praise to God for His love and sacrifice. Thank Jesus for dying for your sins and provide salvation for you. That is the biblical connection between salvation and prayer!

Answer the call of God to repent of sin and believe in Christ. Become a child of God today!
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¿Que significa Esfuerzate y se valiente, no temas ni desmayes?

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No le des la espalda a Dios, por tu propio bien!

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