Of His words recorded in the Bible, Jesus has more to say on money than any other topic. Luke 12 offers a good summary of His attitude. He does not condemn possessions, but He warns against putting faith in money to secure the future. Money fails to solve life’s biggest problems. Although Jesus speaks to many aspects about money, He seems to concentrate on the question:What
is money doing to you?
can dominate a person’s life, diverting attention away from God. Jesus challenges us to break free of money’s power—even if it means giving it all away. Jesus
urges His listeners to seek treasure in the kingdom of God, for such
treasure can benefit them in this life and the next one too. “Do not worry,”
He says (v.22), for God is the one who provides for our needs.
And then to emphasize His point, He brings up King Solomon, the richest man in the Old Testament. Jesus said that a common wildflower is clothed more gloriously by God than a royal king. So do not have an anxious mind (vv.27-29), “but seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you” (v.31). |
Read: Luke 12:22-31 |
Luke 12 -Audio-)
Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. —Luke 12:32 |
in a Year: Joshua 16-18; Luke 2:1-24 |
"Reflexions from Our Daily Bread"
Posted by: Ben Ayala : benayalal@gmail.com
Thanks to the Sources at: rbc[dot]org -and- odb[dot]org |
Respuesta: Muchas veces a lo largo de nuestras vidas, cuando estamos mas cerca de la bendición que Dios tiene para nosotros, somos victimas del desanimo y olvidamos que Dios prometió no desampararnos nunca. A propósito, las únicas personas que se desaniman son aquellas que luchan por algo grande. El desanimo rara vez toca al corazón de la gente sin visión y sin metas, siendo el arma del enemigo para aquellos que saben lo que quieren. “Mira que te mando que te esfuerces y seas valiente; no temas ni desmayes. Porque Jehová tu Dios estará contigo en dondequiera que vayas” Josué 1:7 Dios ha prometido estar contigo todos los dias de tu vida. En el libro de Josue, cuando el pueblo de Israel se preparaba para la conquista de Canaan, y entrar en la tierra prometida, Dios le promete a Josuè que nunca lo desamparará y requiere de él de dos virtudes indispensables, el esfuerzo y la valentía. Dios no ha cambiado hoy y requiere que sus hijos nos mantengamos en pie ...
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